Thursday, February 9, 2012


Hello lovelies!
I have been totally MIA from my blog.
I know this. I suck.
I feel like I have had such a busy week and no time to blog.

So what have I been doing?
Weelllll a little bit of house hunting.
No roof over our soon to be married heads yet.
But im optimistic.
It is quite stressful though.
 Bring on the wine this weekend.
Please and thank you!!

I have also been calling my sweet fiance to tell him he better
pick up fast food after work if he wants to eat dinner.
And he promptly delivers a cheeseburger and fries.
And a chocolate milkshake.
Because he knows the way to my heart.

I have also been preparing for Valentines day.
We are so not big Valentines day people.
I'm just going to cook us a "nice" dinner at home.
We don't really do gifts. Last year we did homemade ones.
This year we put a 20 dollar limit.
These were our gifts last year.
I made the one on the left.
Well the "forever and always"sign came from a local store.
And i attached clothes pins and added the paper
and wrote things I love about David.
He made the book on the computer.
Basically the same gift idea.
Not planned.

What i AM looking forward to about this little holiday is the baking.
I love baking and this gives me an excuse to.
I will be baking cupcakes and cookies and sending them work with David.

My inspiration.
I will show you my reality on Monday!

1 comment:

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

Love all the sweet inspiration in this post :)! I am hungry now too..